
How to Become a Great Project Manager?

Below is the list of skills required for you to be the best manager in your career:

People Management Skills: Manager’s most important, and most difficult job is managing people. They need to hire, train, lead, motivate, and inspire them. Project success is all about people success. Projects don’t fail. People do. Hence, the first prerequisite is to have a solid understanding of people management if managers want to successfully manage a project.

Communication Skills: Managers need to request information; discuss problems; give instructions; interact with stakeholders both internal and external customers to complete their project. Also, they have to communicate on all levels in order to inform about the project status when managing a project. Hence communication skill is very important for a project manager. Furthermore, as the work place become more global, it is important for them to have good presentation skills are part of communication skills.

Project Management Skills: Generally, project managers typically involve from inception to all the way to closing phase. Hence, basic project management skills needed for them to get things done quickly. Also it would help them to make the most efficient use of resources and make them more organized and details.

Problem Solving & Decision making skills: Both skills are closely linked. Managers make many decisions to make the project successful. Most of the time, they gather more information about problems & issues; analyze; list out possible solution; pick up the best solution; implement and verify the solution to manage projects. Hence I would consider this skill also a required skill for them to successfully manage a project.

Listening skills: This is another area a manager needs to concentrate. This skill helps him to understand the teams’ problems which are very important to manage people. If managers improve their listening skills, they can greatly improve their people management skills.

Self-confidence: This skill inspires confidence in others. In order to work at highest potential, managers need to have a mindset that they are capable enough and have the ability to manage even stressful situation. Staying in comfort zone; fearing failures and to avoid to the extra mile to achieve better things would make bring their confidence level down.

Team player: In an organization (or in a team), everybody is a piece of puzzle that should be connected to get the whole picture. It was proven that two minds are better than one. Hence this skill also helps a manager to become a best manager in their career.

Professionalism: Corporate scandals & unethical activates are rising in today organizations. Even PMI has updated PMBOK latest version to make ethics as one of the important factor in PMP and CAPM exams. Managers should abide by the code of ethics designed by their organization, avoid unprofessional activities such as stealing company secrets, discrimination, harassment, bribery etc, and guide their team to do the same to improve their company’s reputation.

To summarize, project managers are unique and multi skilled, in that they should be able to function in almost any environment. Some managers are very successful in their career, and others feel that they are not able to manage things well. Sometime, even a manager who has a MBA from a world class University fails to manage a project. The skills highlighted here can help you to become a best manager in your career. These skills can be learnable through training, education, experience and practice. Hence prepare a plan now. If you put out a two year plan today to improve your skills, you will be marked as a best manager by your employer in 2015.

We Offer a Complete Set of 200 Plus Project Management Templates with detailed guides and examples. And everything a project manager needs to deliver a successful project. And these templates Can Increase the Efficiency of Project Managers to Meet the Project.

Secure Your Success – The 4 Main Benefits of Project Management Templates

When you’re under pressure to get busy with your project, the importance of thinking and planning can go out of the window. But projects that are not documented and monitored are at risk. Project management templates take the pressure off collating all of the necessary information and sign-off you may need, and increase the likelihood of success. Here’s how and why:

1. Structure

I bet that your project is not the only thing that you’re doing right now. So there’s too much to do isn’t there? And when you have too much to do, your brain, workspace and your life can become cluttered and that leads to stagnation. There are so many urgent things to do that can’t be avoided, and so many important things to do that you can’t find the time for.

So you need to get clear right from the beginning. And you need to stay clear throughout the project. Project management templates will give you that clarity and structure. As long as they are designed with the end result in mind, and the people who will use them. Keep it simple and people will use them.

2. Assurance and Confidence

Completed project management templates will present a clear picture and will therefore enable better decision making. The completed templates give confidence to both the person who completes them and the people who need to approve them. You are more likely to get approvals if all of your work is set out in a standardised way. People, and project boards are busy and the simpler you can keep the information that you present to them the better. Project management templates are the answer.

3. Clarity and Speed

When you’re all busy busy busy, the pressure can mount. Project management templates enable calmness to prevail, and enable you to scope and deliver your project in a focused and considered way.

The templates will prevent distraction and going off track (a common problem in many a project). Using project management templates means that you can stop at any point, and when you return, know exactly where to pick up. In the long run, putting the effort into completing good template will save you and your team hours and possibly weeks of time.

4. Communication

Poor communication is a common cause of delay or failure in projects. We might think we communicate well, but how often do you hear people say that no-one ever tells them anything!

Effective communication is key to success. If you get it wrong, you may have a failed project on your hands. But if you get the communication right, everyone knows exactly where they are, what they need to do, and what to expect. Your project management templates will structure your communication and engagement. It also ensures continuity. If people leave the project midway, your completed templates can bring new people up to speed and the project won’t stall.

Appropriate project management templates can be the backbone of successful project management. One you have a simple set of templates you can use them for each and every project you deliver. Keep them simple, and appropriate to the needs of the project and the people who will use them. Project management templates may save both your project and your sanity. Rather than managing a project that may be like ‘herding cats’, you should be able to minimize overwhelm and maximize results.

We Offer a Complete Set of 200 Plus Project Management Templates with detailed guides and examples. And everything a project manager needs to deliver a successful project. And these templates Can Increase the Efficiency of Project Managers to Meet the Project.

Uses of Project Management Templates

Many organizations have a plethora of projects and they find it difficult to manage these manually. Nowadays there are several software’s that one can install to make project management smooth. There are numerous templates to choose from and one can manage their files easily and efficiently just by sitting on the computer. These templates can increase the speed at which you work considerably and you can view your projects as and when required instead of doing your paper work manually.

There are websites on the internet from where different project management kits can be bought and installed easily. They come with instructions that one can follow during the process of installation. This kit comes with many templates that just need to be filled in once installed. These templates are designed to look professional and attractive from the business point of view. The user needs to fill in the basic data and they get arranged according to the projects names, so that the user need not put in efforts to search for the required project.

These templates are appropriated and can be used easily by different organizations and institutions. Professionals are making use of these more and more as they reduce time and stress. One can find himself getting hours of work done in just a few minutes. If you have to always keep looking for paper work related to your projects it increases you stress and not finding these will give you both heartache and headache. They can make the work done by the employee’s easy and less time consuming.

They are risk free and hence, are called user friendly. These templates can be opened in Microsoft word, excel sheet, project visio or power point. Their use is eminent in all organizations and institutions for the purpose of reducing the workload of the employees. Once all the information is filled in the projects can be saved for future viewing. Apart from this one can even delete and edit a project.

These kits contain templates, plans, files and forms to manage and store the projects easily and efficiently. There is no risk of loss of data as it can be stored for as long as it is required. There are almost all templates that are required by an organization to manage all their present and future projects easily and efficiently.

They can even be used by small growing business to make their work effortless and easy. Even if you are doing projects at home you also make use of these templates. Thus, they have proven to be very useful to everyone who has numerous projects to manage and store. They reduce manual work and just have to fill in the right information under the right template.

Prince 2 Accredited Project Management Templates with detailed guides and examples. Everything a project manager needs to deliver a successful project.

We Offer a Complete Set of 200 Plus Project Management Templates with detailed guides and examples. And everything a project manager needs to deliver a successful project. And these templates Can Increase the Efficiency of Project Managers to Meet the Project.

Tips On Project Management

Project handling is one of the biggest responsibilities in any business today. Most managers try to keep themselves organized but with high workloads there are chances you could get messed up. Businesses have found a solution to this problem in the form of business management templates. Project management templates keep a check on every single detail of your project making sure you don’t miss out on anything. This allows you to prepare for your project in an intelligent, advanced and organized manner. There are number of ebooks and software’s which contain a wide variety of these templates online. You could order them at very affordable rates. This would ensure you improve your management skills as well as project handling skills.

In this article I am going to list a few of the most important templates for efficient running of a business as well as discuss a few benefits of project management templates

1. The First and main benefit I think of is structure. These templates show you the best way and cycle to follow to tackle an important project. There are a lot of things people have to do along with planning their project. It often happens that managers have a many other things to deal with which often causes problems. These templates give you structure and clarity. They simplify the planning process which enables a smooth process. This simple yet professional way of presenting your project is bound to impress your boss.

2. Confidence – These templates would help you create high quality documents. This would definitely boost your confidence while planning. They would help make your work look professional. This would help your employers trust and belief in you as well.

3. Speed – When you have a lot of things to take care of on the job. Project management templates would help you save a whole bunch of time. It would help save time and you could focus on other things which are also important. These templates provide a step-by-step guide and will help you save at least a few hours every week.

Here are few of the templates, guidelines and strategies you can find online to help your Business run at optimum efficiency.

1. Benefits Profile
2. Full Business Case
3. Outline Business Case
4. Change Request Form
5. Checkpoint Report
6. Customer User Acceptance
7. End Project Reports
8. Exception Plans
9. Feasibility Reports
10. Forward Activity Plans
11. Highlight Reports
12. Investment Appraisal Worksheets
13. Issue Register
14. Lessons Learned Report
15. Post Project Review Report
16. Product Description Forms
17. Project Health Check assessment
18. Project Mandate
19. Project Status Report
20. Quality Review Form
21. Risk Capture Form
22. Risk Register
23. Purchase Order Request Forms
24. Web Development Project Plan
25. Work Package Template


1. Change Control Process
2. Issue Resolution Strategy
3. Program Management Guidance
4. Project Change Process
5. Management Guidance
6. Project Quality Plan
7. Scheduling Guidelines
8. Risk Management Process
9. Risk Management Strategy
10. Quick Reaction Checklist For issues
11. Quick Reaction Checklist For risks

These are just a few of the templates you can buy out there. All of these would help your Business and management skills in a big way.

We Offer a Complete Set of 200 Plus Project Management Templates with detailed guides and examples. And everything a project manager needs to deliver a successful project. And these templates Can Increase the Efficiency of Project Managers to Meet the Project.

Top 48 Project Management Tips – How To Really Manage A Project

1. Get clear about your role and your responsibility.

2. Make an assessment of whether the framework is realistic, both in time and budget, prior to accepting the project.

3. Find out as much as possible at the first meeting with the client or project promoter. Do you understand the purpose? What’s the status of the project inside the organization?

4. Ensure that project documentation is well-founded, and that it has management support and sufficient resources.

5. Gain knowledge of the subject and the client. It is necessary because you, as a project manager, have responsibility for the results and conclusions of the group.

6. Do not enter the project without proper planning.

7. Make a rough schedule together with the project team. This will get them involved and accept the time you planned. It’s also a more efficient way of working.

8. Do a risk analysis before the project starts. What can go wrong? Which backup can you have?

9. Make a project plan. A detailed requirements specification of the project, with the purpose, background, objectives and targets, milestones, constraints, resources and timetable. Include project organization, information, support and follow-up.

10. Ensure targets are completed before you start working, and that they are thorough and clearly formulated.

11. The goals should be consistent. See therefore through each milestone both separately and as a part of the cycle. See the total picture!

12. Break down the project overall goals into specific targets that can be coordinated and monitored.

13. Describe the objectives of the project, so everyone is clear on where you are going.

14. What is a priority for the project to achieve its goal? Is high quality the most imortant aspect or that it should be quick and not cost a lot? Determine expectations for quality, time and cost.

15. Do not be impatient in the beginning, the foundation must be completed before you get going.

16. Know your own strengths and weaknesses, your own needs and motivations.

17. Limit the project team’s size so that it does not become too cumbersome.

18. Get the expertise you need. Find out what knowledge and what experience the project needs to go in goal.

19. Make sure that you don’t select the most pleasant people.. those who are most like you. Search instead for people who complement each other.

20. Remind your people that everyone need to share his/her knowledge and experience.

21. Identify the various roles. Who is responsible for what?

22. Establish decision-making and information flows. Who takes decisions and how are decisions made? Who informs whom?

23. Make sure that the project team is talking to you, and not others, if they have opinions about the way you manage the project.

24. Remember that we all want to be seen. How will you see your people’s work in the project? Show clearly that you see your people.. with constructive criticism, praise and appreciation.

25. Focus on the good side of every employee, and reinforce it.

26. Think about the stages a team goes through and adapt your role to it. At various stages in the project, you need different leadership styles.

27. Do not waste your most important resource: your employees!

28. Prepare well for your first meeting with your project team. It is here you’ll start creating a common platform for your work. And this is also where you will create a team spirit and motivate the group to give your project a flying start.

29. In the beginning you need to clarify your expectations for the group, and you should give the group an opportunity to come to grips with their expectations of you.

30. Discuss at one of your first meetings the rules of the game you should have. Make sure you all agree on them and that they are so clear that you can actually use them.

31. Revisit your rules during the journey.

32. Do not let the project group take over. It is you who must lead the work.

33. Manage conflicts in time.

34. Make sure that your employees get the opportunity to use their resources as much as possible – it is the best way to make a project successful.

35. Hold stimulating, interesting and exciting project meetings. Skip the rest.

36. Start documenting early.

37. Focus on the right things.

38. Focus on opportunities, innovate, solve problems.

39. Create and re-create time and activity plans.

40. Do a proper SWOT analysis.

41. Keep all parties informed.

42. Always follow up on deadlines, by yourself and with the group.

43. Anchor the end of each phase with the steering group or project promoter.

44. Dare to criticize when necessary, but do it in a constructive way.

45. Say “no” when you have to! Set clear limits in your project management role.

46. Your project reporting meetings are important. Prepare well. Figure out what you want and what kind of questions you’ll get asked.

47. Make sure all anomalies are reported back to you fast, so you’ll get enough time steering the project.